How Top Dropshippers Identify Winning Products at the first glance

Do you know why most people fail with dropshipping?

That’s because they spend a ton of money testing products that are absolutely useless.

An experienced dropshipper would never test them in the first place.

And worst, they spend 2-3X the amount of money on these products and finally quit, saying dropshipping never works.

Some say dropshipping is a scam.

That’s not how it works.

Dropshipping works when we work.

The first criteria to succeed with dropshipping is to get our hands on the right kinds of products.

Products that are highly likely to be winners.

And in today’s post, I am going to reveal this simple yet powerful criteria to identify winners like the top guns of dropshipping do.

The Pull Criteria for Winning Products

In my 3 years of dropshipping experience, I have seen many products become winners.

And while there are outliers, most winning products would have these things in common.

That’s why I have condensed it into an acronym for easy recall and quick filteration during your product research process.

It’s called P-U-U-L-L

If you come across a product that qualifies this criteria, only then you should test it with ads else you risk your hard earned money, and you risk the reputation of dropshipping as well.

Problem Solving (P)

People love solutions.

They love buying products that solve problems.

This is the first trait of a winning product- it should be solving a big problem.

What problems do people face in your niche?

Which products do they buy to solve those problems?

Once you have these two things clear, you can source similar products and test with ads.

If you like a product but it doesn’t solve a specific problem, I’d suggest to not test it out (at least in the Indian market), else you risk high RTOs (and losses!)

Uniqueness Factor (U):

What’s the WOW thing in the product?

What’s Unique about the product?

Look at uniqueness from two angles- either the product itself could be unique, or it could be presented to the audience from a unique angle, or with a unique value proposition.

Everyone has seen the boring stuff. They want to see something new now. How can you bring that new?

Run after it.

Unbreakable (U):

Especially true if your’e into Indian Dropshipping.

Fragile, delicate or breakable products can not stand Indian logistics because they handle your orders with a lot of care (pun intented). Even if you pack them well, still there is a high chance of breakage and losses.

That’s why it’s important to go with sturdy products.

Light in Weight (L):

It’s common logic. Shipping charges are applicable based on dry weight (grams) and volumetric weights (LBH/5000).

Choose to test products that are lighter than 500 grams, and would be packaged so that they are shipped in 500 grams shipping with no weight disputes.

This is mostly true for COD Markets like India and Emirates because we don’t know what’s going to be the delivery percentage when we are just starting out.

And when we don’t know the delivery percentage, we don’t know how much RTO shipping we will be required to pay.

That’s why, its best to keep it least possible.

Legalities (L):

The last thing we want when we are scaling a product is a copyright infringement notice or a DMCA takedown, or any other restriction on our business.

That’s why it’s important to go for products that are clean.

By clean I mean products that comply with regulations and standards

Products that are genuine, and those that are allowed to sell on Meta platforms.

Think Long term.

Where the Rubber meets the Road

Putting these things into practice is simple.

Whenever you’re researching potential products, keep this criteria in mind.

List out all the products that catch your eyes.

Filter them out through this criteria and see which ones satisfy all of these conditions.

The one which passes through, test it out first.

When you keep doing this again and again, you will realise that a larger percentage of the products that you test turn out to be winners.

Soon, with experience, there will come a time where you will be able to visually predict whether a product will succeed or not.

Hopefully, This simple blueprint will get you to your next (or first) winning product.

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